
Always Have A Successful Outcome?

If You Want A Successful Outcome For Everything You Do – Just Check the Positive Ratio of Reward : Work.

You’ll Also Save Yourself Heaps of Wasted Time!

There are many occasions where we decide we want to achieve some outcome. (Yes, I admit these outcomes are sometimes called goals – to me a goal is something scored on a football field.)

The problem is that although we want a particular outcome, the work required for us to achieve this outcome may be difficult work for us;  it may take too long – you name it; yes, there are many times when we are just not prepared to put the work in to achieve the desired outcome.

And, that is quite okay – if we know beforehand, that is WE KNOW BEFORE WE START.

Otherwise, we start on the journey to achieve this outcome we want, we start doing the work, spending valuable time, put off other things, before we realize, hey this is too much work!

It could be that we have other things that are a higher priority, for which we hadn’t given our consideration.

So, how do we stop ourselves going on a wild goose chase and wasting our valuable time on something we are never going to achieve.

We follow this simple process:

1. Look at the Outcome you want very clearly – consider what is specifically the Outcome you want? Is it something you absolutely and truly want and not just something that “would be nice”?
2. Consider if a smaller Outcome will be acceptable to you initially and if so, maybe you could start there? Whether you take on the smaller or the larger Outcome – what will be your Reward – what is the potential upside for you?  Be realistic?
3. Now Look at what work will be involved.  If appropriate you might like to list the tasks you will need to do.
4. How long will these tasks take and when will you do this work?  What will you not do due to doing this work?
5. Consider any other work you have on your agenda.  Will you be prepared to put this work off and prioritize this new Outcome to get it done in the time frame? Is the Reward worth what you will be giving up?
6. All good, now you’ve checked off the above so you have a positive Reward:Work Ratio result.  You are now aware of the consequences, and decided the reward is highly more positive than the work – DECIDE to go ahead and from the time you start you will not stop until you’ve finished. Enjoy the reward.
7. Only do things you know you will complete as you have the motivation and the time in the process above.   Be clear that you will not stop the work to achieve this Outcome until the result you aim for has been accomplished.