
How to Have an Empowering Future and Live it Now – Step 1

What do all self-made successful people have in common? They have a vision. They know what is in sight for their future. Your vision should be an important part of your day, every day you achieve towards it.

It doesn’t matter whether you want success in business, career, health, raising children, building a house, building up a community organization, having political aspirations.

What do you do to ensure your success?

Have a vision and get it to work for you, every day, live it now. How? Close your eyes and think about your future. Give yourself time
for this, please don’t rush. Your vision should be in full color, panoramic screen, sounds on
high volume. Feel it……..

Once you are happy that the vision is exactly what you want, in fact more than what you want – write down the vision – make it clear – give it an appointed time to fully eventuate.

All people who fulfill their dreams, their success, have a vision. That is right, ALL PEOPLE!

This is the starting point for everything. And it’s so easy for everyone to do. Just think about a child learning to walk, they have a vision, they
watch the big people. Children constantly have visions of what they want to do. What a shame that as they grow up they are not always encouraged to continue having visions.

On the other hand, it’s never too late to have a vision. If you have some older people in your life ask them if they have a vision. You may live longer if you have a vision. It gives you intent, a reason to live every day to the fullest. Intent makes you realize the potential of the day.

Your vision for your life is about more than yourself.

It points your life so nothing else will suffice, nothing less will do. Everyday will be your future.

We will go to the next step in Part 2.

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PS: What’s your vision? If you want to reinforce it to achieve your results, feel free to email me with your vision, a good way to clarify, and I can offer some comments if you think this will help. Alternatively, discuss your vision with a good friend, get it on record.